Molecular Dynamics simulation


  • MD simulations follow the equations of motion of classical mechanics, and the time evolution of the positions and velocities of all atoms can be observed.

  • The upper limit is generally a few dozen ns due to the time scale limitation. If a phenomenon does not occur within that time, it is necessary to consider a different calculation method.

  • In MD simulations, there are various states (ensembles) depending on the state to be reproduced, and the simplest ensemble is called the NVE ensemble.

  • In the NVE ensemble, the total energy conservation law holds, and the time step must be set appropriately in terms of calculation accuracy and calculation time.

In this chapter, you will learn about Molecular dynamics (MD), which simulates the time evolution of a system.

MD simulation explicitly deals with the time evolution of the trajectories of individual atoms. It is a method that calculates the coordinates and velocities of the target atoms sequentially by integrating the equations of motion of classical mechanics. This calculation method itself is a theory independent of models of forces and energies acting between atoms, and has long been used in the field of molecular simulation. Therefore, for the theoretical background and examples, please refer to the existing books and references (for example, [1-3]). The purpose of this tutorial is to acquire the pracitical knowledge necessary to perform these calculations using Matlantis.

Let’s take a look at what can be observed in an MD simulation by running an example.

Preliminary setup - Installation of required libraries

Through this chapter, we sometimes use ASAP3-EMT, which is a classical force field easily accessible on ASE. Since it is a classical force field, its accuracy and application are limited, but it is so simple and fast that very useful to demonstrate important points in this tutorial without much hustle and frustration. The elements available in ASAP3-EMT are limited to Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au and their alloys. The installation procedure is as follows.

!pip install --upgrade asap3
Looking in indexes:, http://pypi.artifact.svc:8080/simple
Requirement already satisfied: asap3 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (3.13.4)
Collecting asap3
  Downloading asap3-3.13.5.tar.gz (849 kB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 849.3/849.3 kB 46.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00
  Installing build dependencies ... done
  Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
  Installing backend dependencies ... done
  Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... done
Requirement already satisfied: ase>=3.23.0 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from asap3) (3.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.18.5 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (1.26.4)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.6.0 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (1.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib>=3.3.4 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (1.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (0.12.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (4.53.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.3.1 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (1.4.5)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (24.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=8 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (10.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (2.9.0.post0)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-resources>=3.2.0 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (6.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=3.1.0 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from importlib-resources>=3.2.0->matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (3.19.2)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /home/jovyan/.py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7->matplotlib>=3.3.4->ase>=3.23.0->asap3) (1.16.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: asap3
  Building wheel for asap3 (pyproject.toml) ... done
  Created wheel for asap3: filename=asap3-3.13.5-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl size=4432248 sha256=31f8e8a60ef879b55c6cd93d7518f8fd0183a6632500d1a2f34ac3976ea5cfe3
  Stored in directory: /home/jovyan/.cache/pip/wheels/86/c6/6c/ad1816075e4617db75293ef31ab3e288466842bcc0727e2fdc
Successfully built asap3
Installing collected packages: asap3
  Attempting uninstall: asap3
    Found existing installation: asap3 3.13.4
    Uninstalling asap3-3.13.4:
      Successfully uninstalled asap3-3.13.4
Successfully installed asap3-3.13.5

[notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.2 -> 24.3.1
[notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip

For details about ASAP3-EMT, please refer ASAP official page.

What can MD simulation do?

In the following example, the MD simulation reproduces the molten state of a metallic Al structure. As everyone knows, aluminum is one of the most common metal in both commertial and industrial sectors. Its properties are well known. It has a melting point of 660.3 °C (933.45 K) and the face-centered cubic (fcc) phase is stable over a wide temperature range under ambient pressure. The following shows the process of melting the fcc-Al structure by heating it to an initial temperature of 1600 K. The calculation time is 100 psec.


Fig6-1a. Melting of fcc-Al in NVE ensemble starting at 1600 K

(File: ../input/ch6/6-1_fcc-Al_NVE_1600Kstart.traj)

The Al atoms are initially arranged in a clean fcc crystal structure, but the structure is gradually disrupted and the atoms gradually diffuse out of the simulation cell as the calculation proceeds. In this way, MD simulations allow us to observe in detail the actual trajectories of the atoms as they evolve over time.

Simulation of aluminum melting

Below is a sample code of the MD simulation used to reproduce the melting process of fcc-Al described above. The ASAP3 EMT force field is used to speed up the calculation. (To use this force field in your python environment, you must first install the asap3 package by running pip install asap3.) The following calculation runs for 100 psec MD and takes only a few tens of seconds to complete.

import os
from asap3 import EMT
calculator = EMT()

from import bulk
from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution,Stationary
from import VelocityVerlet
from import MDLogger
from ase import units
from time import perf_counter
import numpy as np

# Set up a fcc-Al crystal
atoms = bulk("Al","fcc",a=4.3,cubic=True)
atoms.pbc = True
atoms *= 3
print("atoms = ",atoms)

# Set calculator (EMT in this case)
atoms.calc = calculator

# input parameters
time_step    = 1.0      # MD step size in fsec
temperature  = 1600     # Temperature in Kelvin
num_md_steps = 100000   # Total number of MD steps
num_interval = 1000     # Print out interval for .log and .traj

# Set the momenta corresponding to the given "temperature"
MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, temperature_K=temperature,force_temp=True)
Stationary(atoms)  # Set zero total momentum to avoid drifting

# Set output filenames
output_filename = "./output/ch6/liquid-Al_NVE_1.0fs_test"
log_filename = output_filename + ".log"
print("log_filename = ",log_filename)
traj_filename = output_filename + ".traj"
print("traj_filename = ",traj_filename)

# Remove old files if they exist
if os.path.exists(log_filename): os.remove(log_filename)
if os.path.exists(traj_filename): os.remove(traj_filename)

# Define the MD dynamics class object
dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms,
                     time_step * units.fs,
                     trajectory = traj_filename,

# Print statements
def print_dyn():
    imd = dyn.get_number_of_steps()
    time_md = time_step*imd
    etot  = atoms.get_total_energy()
    ekin  = atoms.get_kinetic_energy()
    epot  = atoms.get_potential_energy()
    temp_K = atoms.get_temperature()
    print(f"   {imd: >3}     {etot:.9f}     {ekin:.9f}    {epot:.9f}   {temp_K:.2f}")

dyn.attach(print_dyn, interval=num_interval)

# Set MD logger
dyn.attach(MDLogger(dyn, atoms, log_filename, header=True, stress=False,peratom=False, mode="w"), interval=num_interval)

# Now run MD simulation
print(f"\n    imd     Etot(eV)    Ekin(eV)    Epot(eV)    T(K)")

print("\nNormal termination of the MD run!")
atoms =  Atoms(symbols='Al108', pbc=True, cell=[12.899999999999999, 12.899999999999999, 12.899999999999999])
log_filename =  ./output/ch6/liquid-Al_NVE_1.0fs_test.log
traj_filename =  ./output/ch6/liquid-Al_NVE_1.0fs_test.traj

    imd     Etot(eV)    Ekin(eV)    Epot(eV)    T(K)
     0     32.139701294     22.336120234    9.803581060   1600.00
   1000     32.144732392     9.717662136    22.427070256   696.10
   2000     32.144595676     10.384753227    21.759842449   743.89
   3000     32.144485776     10.292545081    21.851940695   737.28
   4000     32.144656501     9.569029340    22.575627161   685.46
   5000     32.144223666     11.260312865    20.883910801   806.61
   6000     32.144545079     10.854854065    21.289691013   777.56
   7000     32.144674572     9.749442021    22.395232551   698.38
   8000     32.144463479     10.658602272    21.485861207   763.51
   9000     32.144319804     10.387294028    21.757025776   744.07
   10000     32.144629878     10.025983768    22.118646110   718.19
   11000     32.144361501     11.236237078    20.908124423   804.88
   12000     32.144282709     11.138136472    21.006146236   797.86
   13000     32.144353906     10.941409697    21.202944209   783.76
   14000     32.144429188     10.722515666    21.421913523   768.08
   15000     32.144375555     10.939219269    21.205156286   783.61
   16000     32.144592848     9.409488230    22.735104618   674.03
   17000     32.144024018     11.224044353    20.919979664   804.01
   18000     32.144368456     10.108417246    22.035951209   724.09
   19000     32.144305600     10.668868800    21.475436800   764.24
   20000     32.144225902     10.733945978    21.410279924   768.90
   21000     32.144479804     9.741119218    22.403360586   697.78
   22000     32.144046753     10.898466211    21.245580542   780.69
   23000     32.144622226     9.356067360    22.788554866   670.20
   24000     32.144735318     8.279816397    23.864918921   593.11
   25000     32.144262614     10.770595178    21.373667437   771.53
   26000     32.144587780     10.012490263    22.132097518   717.22
   27000     32.144457659     10.548355368    21.596102291   755.61
   28000     32.144223772     11.000952065    21.143271706   788.03
   29000     32.144108672     10.349540962    21.794567710   741.37
   30000     32.144032797     10.306106856    21.837925940   738.26
   31000     32.144272984     10.845360184    21.298912801   776.88
   32000     32.144080434     11.683899064    20.460181371   836.95
   33000     32.144326494     10.522818948    21.621507546   753.78
   34000     32.144349760     10.829084255    21.315265504   775.72
   35000     32.144530782     9.748968613    22.395562168   698.35
   36000     32.144264785     11.057956331    21.086308454   792.11
   37000     32.144231508     10.737533644    21.406697864   769.16
   38000     32.143824362     11.202989634    20.940834728   802.50
   39000     32.144470371     9.805347796    22.339122575   702.39
   40000     32.144075224     11.038327085    21.105748139   790.71
   41000     32.144660333     10.122700133    22.021960200   725.12
   42000     32.144399470     10.471717961    21.672681509   750.12
   43000     32.144301319     10.889584913    21.254716406   780.05
   44000     32.144712144     10.040503091    22.104209052   719.23
   45000     32.144470171     10.335349862    21.809120309   740.35
   46000     32.144498444     10.831459795    21.313038648   775.89
   47000     32.144480014     10.745521376    21.398958638   769.73
   48000     32.144208898     10.811019456    21.333189442   774.42
   49000     32.144394973     10.520276617    21.624118357   753.60
   50000     32.143711391     11.693195391    20.450516000   837.62
   51000     32.144216072     10.794231584    21.349984488   773.22
   52000     32.143954477     11.167702465    20.976252011   799.97
   53000     32.144197026     10.761047389    21.383149636   770.84
   54000     32.144692097     10.650248738    21.494443358   762.91
   55000     32.144292435     11.069017237    21.075275198   792.91
   56000     32.144451534     10.818961116    21.325490419   774.99
   57000     32.144159985     10.436902720    21.707257265   747.63
   58000     32.144409863     10.518871169    21.625538694   753.50
   59000     32.144290785     10.147827359    21.996463427   726.92
   60000     32.144252442     10.561857643    21.582394799   756.58
   61000     32.144211404     11.237046923    20.907164481   804.94
   62000     32.144335612     10.234587556    21.909748055   733.13
   63000     32.144553693     9.734651928    22.409901765   697.32
   64000     32.144056336     11.331668716    20.812387620   811.72
   65000     32.144544495     10.073495649    22.071048846   721.59
   66000     32.144261257     11.553758409    20.590502848   827.63
   67000     32.144400715     10.388117319    21.756283396   744.13
   68000     32.144180052     11.049408118    21.094771934   791.50
   69000     32.144331305     10.787515820    21.356815485   772.74
   70000     32.144363121     9.757896544    22.386466577   698.99
   71000     32.143995748     12.113379277    20.030616471   867.72
   72000     32.144360474     9.849801292    22.294559182   705.57
   73000     32.144573361     10.621878850    21.522694511   760.88
   74000     32.144018243     11.163225758    20.980792485   799.65
   75000     32.144376982     10.221662849    21.922714133   732.21
   76000     32.144588102     9.451493371    22.693094731   677.04
   77000     32.144417191     10.553128007    21.591289185   755.95
   78000     32.144597951     10.231912256    21.912685695   732.94
   79000     32.144830327     9.925136042    22.219694285   710.97
   80000     32.143996211     10.923923218    21.220072993   782.51
   81000     32.144574158     9.802931001    22.341643157   702.21
   82000     32.144521087     10.157138062    21.987383025   727.58
   83000     32.144238473     10.784705296    21.359533177   772.54
   84000     32.144152374     11.426586870    20.717565505   818.52
   85000     32.144128400     10.351754495    21.792373904   741.53
   86000     32.144538231     10.954848440    21.189689791   784.73
   87000     32.144430968     10.949426732    21.195004236   784.34
   88000     32.144274375     10.209803957    21.934470418   731.36
   89000     32.144706378     9.682925565    22.461780814   693.62
   90000     32.144748840     10.276817862    21.867930978   736.16
   91000     32.144569186     10.412884902    21.731684284   745.90
   92000     32.144353339     10.693038177    21.451315163   765.97
   93000     32.145033728     9.767317058    22.377716670   699.66
   94000     32.144224948     11.741172068    20.403052880   841.05
   95000     32.144571344     10.235993503    21.908577841   733.23
   96000     32.144506261     11.768195101    20.376311159   842.99
   97000     32.144586363     10.502267187    21.642319176   752.31
   98000     32.144658691     10.422999129    21.721659562   746.63
   99000     32.144269295     10.908635273    21.235634022   781.42
   100000     32.144367925     10.044230000    22.100137925   719.50

Normal termination of the MD run!
CPU times: user 44.9 s, sys: 355 ms, total: 45.3 s
Wall time: 1min 13s

The flow of the program can be understood by looking at the comments in the script, but the important points are explained here.

(1) Initial velocity distribution

Once the structure has been created and the calculation parameters have been set, the initial velocity of each atom is given by a velocity distribution corresponding to the specified temperature Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. This is done using the MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution in above code. Since the initial velocity given by this method has arbitrary momentum of the whole system, there is a possibility that the whole system may drift. Therefore, after giving the initial velocity by MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution, we set the momentum of the entire system to zero by the Stationary method and fix the coordinates of the center of mass. This is important not only for the NVE case, but also for simulations involving temperature and pressure control that will follow.

(2) Execute MD

This time, MD by Verlet integration is executed using the class VelocityVerlet. MD is actually executed at In this time, time_step=1.0 (time width of 1fs = \(1 \times 10^{-15}\) sec per step) is used to execute num_md_steps=100000 steps.

(3) Recording of calculation results

The script has a method named print_dyn that prints energy and temperature values to standard output (output on a notebook). There is another class, MDLogger, which outputs energy, temperature, and stress information in a specified log file. You can define your own class to output the calculation results to a file, but the default logger provides the necessary information for most applications, so it is recommended to utilize it.

After MD is executed, the trajectory can be visualized as follows.

from import Trajectory
from pfcc_extras.visualize.view import view_ngl

traj = Trajectory(traj_filename)
from pfcc_extras.visualize.povray import traj_to_apng
from IPython.display import Image

traj_to_apng(traj, f"output/Fig6-1_fcc-Al_NVE_1600Kstart.png", rotation="0x,0y,0z", clean=True, n_jobs=16)

# See Fig6-1a
[Parallel(n_jobs=16)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 16 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=16)]: Done  18 tasks      | elapsed:   27.4s
[Parallel(n_jobs=16)]: Done 101 out of 101 | elapsed:  1.6min finished

History of physical properties in NVE ensembles

Since the velocity (i.e., momentum) of each atom is known, the history of the various energies of the system can be followed. For example, here are the time profiles of total energy (Tot.E.), potential energy (P.E.), kinetic energy (K.E.), and temperature (Temp.) for the melting of fcc-Al.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(log_filename, delim_whitespace=True)
/tmp/ipykernel_49555/ FutureWarning: The 'delim_whitespace' keyword in pd.read_csv is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use ``sep='\s+'`` instead
  df = pd.read_csv(log_filename, delim_whitespace=True)
Time[ps] Etot[eV] Epot[eV] Ekin[eV] T[K]
0 0.0 32.140 9.804 22.336 1600.0
1 1.0 32.145 22.427 9.718 696.1
2 2.0 32.145 21.760 10.385 743.9
3 3.0 32.144 21.852 10.293 737.3
4 4.0 32.145 22.576 9.569 685.5
... ... ... ... ... ...
96 96.0 32.145 20.376 11.768 843.0
97 97.0 32.145 21.642 10.502 752.3
98 98.0 32.145 21.722 10.423 746.6
99 99.0 32.144 21.236 10.909 781.4
100 100.0 32.144 22.100 10.044 719.5

101 rows × 5 columns

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))

#color = 'tab:grey'
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 1)
ax1.set_ylabel('Tot E (eV)')
ax1.plot(df["Time[ps]"], df["Etot[eV]"], color="blue",alpha=0.5)

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 2)
ax2.set_ylabel('P.E. (eV)')
ax2.plot(df["Time[ps]"], df["Epot[eV]"], color="green",alpha=0.5)

ax3 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 3)
ax3.set_ylabel('K.E. (eV)')
ax3.plot(df["Time[ps]"], df["Ekin[eV]"], color="orange",alpha=0.5)

ax4 = fig.add_subplot(4, 1, 4)
ax4.set_xlabel('time (ps)')
ax4.set_ylabel('Temp. (K)')
ax4.plot(df["Time[ps]"], df["T[K]"], color="red",alpha=0.5)
ax4.set_ylim([500., 1700])

fig.suptitle("Fig.6-1b. Time evolution of total, potential, and kinetic energies, and temperature.", y=0)

#plt.savefig("6-1_liquid-Al_NVE_1.0fs_test_E_vs_t.png")  # <- Use if saving to an image file is desired

As mentioned in section 1-5, the total energy \(E\) of a system is expressed by the kinetic energy \(K\) and the potential energy \(V\).

\[E = K + V\]

Of these, the kinetic energy \(K\) of a system can be calculated as follows, using the formula from classical mechanics.

\[K = \sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{2} m_i {\mathbf{v}}_i^2 = \sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{{\mathbf{p}}_i^2}{2 m_i}\]

where \(m_i, \mathbf{v}_i, \mathbf{p}_i\) are the mass, velocity and momentum (\(\mathbf{p}=m\mathbf{v}\)) of each atom respectively. Here, the temperature and kinetic energy of the system are synonymous and are defined by the following relationship.

\[K = \frac{3}{2} k_B T\]

In this case, the initial temperature is set to 1600 K, and the system evolves naturally in time according to the equations of motion of classical mechanics. Since there is no external force, the energy conservation law is obeyed and the total energy is kept constant within the numerical error. The temperature decreases fairly quickly, and the kinetic and potential energies follows the equipartition theorem, and the temperature eventually settles to about half the initial temperature. This is how matter actually behaves in nature, and the simplest MD simulations such as this one reproduce such a situation. The distribution of states of such a system is shown in NVE Ensemble. (or microcanonical ensemble, where N stands for the number of atoms, V for the volume, and E for the total energy being constant.) The ensemble here refers to the distribution of states of system in the concept of statistical mechanics.

MD simulation parameters in NVE ensemble

In the MD simulation of the NVE ensemble described above, you need to set the calculation conditions like initial temperature and calculation time. In addition, we also need to set the MD time step as a relatively non-trivial parameter. How should this MD time step be set?

The answer depends on the accuracy of the calculation you are looking for: the NVE ensemble solves the classical equations of motion, which are second-order ordinary differential equations, and the accuracy of this integration process is determined by the size of the time step. (more details on integration methods are given at the end of this section). Let us see how the total energy changes when the time step is changed. Let us assume that the computation time is 1 nsec. (This is a time scale often used in classical MD.)


Fig.6-1c. Time evolution of the total energy with respect to time step size.

The above figure shows the calculation results when the time step is varied from 0.5 to 5.0 fsec. It can be seen that the total energy, which should be constant, has a large deviation with time evolution when the time step is large.

To check the time dependence of the total energy, run the above MD simulation script with different time_step arguments and compare the energy profiles as an excercise. For visualization, please refer to the visualization code shown in Fig. 6-1b above.

Varying the MD time step from the above calculations and plotting the RMSE obtained from the total energy fluctuations on the horizontal axis for the time step and the vertical axis for the total energy fluctuations, the results are shown below.


Fig.6-1d. Total energy ERMSE as a function of MD step size.

The vertical axis is the energy per atom, the plots can be seen to be roughly linear in a log-log plot. The energy per atom varies from 1.2e-6 eV at 0.25 fs to 6e-5 fs at 5.0 fs. In this case, the number of atoms is 108, so we can confirm that the entire system can vary from 1e-4 eV to 1e-3 eV.

In terms of energy, assuming a time step of 1 fsec, an error of about 0.5 meV is expected for a 100 atom system for a 1 nsec simulation, and about 5 meV for a 1000 atom system. Of course, it depends on the physical properties you want to calculate, but for most calculations, this should be accurate enough. If the time step is set to 5 fsec to increase the calculation time, the error will increase by about one order of magnitude. When using MD calculations, it is necessary to keep in mind the degree of accuracy of these calculations.

Other ensembles and MD Simulations

At the end of this section, we will discuss MD simulation methods other than NVE ensembles.

MD simulations of NVE ensembles are simple and powerful, but they have many disadvantages when it comes to reproducing the phenomena we generally want to observe. The atoms in the cell is all the computation target in the NVE simulation, and there is no external world. However, the microscopic world we actually want to observe has an environment surrounding it. The temperature and pressure of the external environment will change the state of the system of interest, which cannot be reproduced within the scope of the NVE ensemble.

There are various state distributions such as canonical ensemble (NVT), isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NPT), etc. in statistical mechanics, and they can be utilized to perform calculations under specific conditions. In the following sections, you will learn how to perform calculations under these statistical ensembles.


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